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Business Energy Comparison

Within just 30 seconds you can compare business energy prices and find the cheapest quote from our panel of trusted suppliers.


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We compare business energy prices from top UK energy suppliers as well as leading independents. See how much you can save today!

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How To Compare Business Energy Prices & Switch With Us

  • Compare

    Simply enter your postcode and we’ll find your meter and usage to give you the latest prices

  • Select your supplier

    Select the tariff that’s right for your business – you can even stick with your current supplier.


  • We’ll handle the switch

    We look after the switching process, and you’ll be updated every step of the way.

Business Energy Comparison In Just 30 Seconds!

We pride ourselves on saving UK companies money on their business energy bills. Through years of experience, we've helped our customers save over £100m.

Comparing business energy prices couldn't be easier. It takes just 30 seconds to find a range of great business energy quotes from our panel of trusted suppliers.

Our panel of business energy suppliers meet our highest standards, so you can switch with confidence. You can choose your preferred tariff from your range of quotes & start the switching process today.

On average, customers using our business energy price comparison engine save £1,401* on average annually.

Why Choose Us?

There are many reasons to use our comparison service over any other, not least the unique ability to complete your business energy switch fully online meaning it can be done at your leisure and without the need for a 40 minute phone call.

However, should you wish to speak with a business energy expert to complete your switch you can do that instead, the option is yours!


Find The Right Business Energy Tariff 

A fixed-rate tariff is one of the most popular business energy deals. On this tariff, you will agree on a fixed unit price for both gas and electricity with your supplier. You can lock an agreed price from 1 year up to 5 years. Wholesale market prices may cause business energy suppliers to only offer shorter-term deals.

Variable rate tariffs can be a good option for businesses that want some flexibility. The price you pay per unit rate will change depending on current wholesale prices.

For those businesses who want to reduce their carbon footprint, a green tariff is an attractive tariff. Over recent years, there’s been an increase of renewable energy companies entering the market. Many commercial energy suppliers already offer green tariffs as standard, so it's worth shopping around for an energy contract that suits your business.

If you don't agree a new business energy deal before your contract end date, you may find yourself on an out of contract tariff. These are usually the most expensive business energy rates suppliers offer. It's probably best you avoid this one! 

What Are The Latest UK Business Energy Prices In 2024?  

A changing market makes it difficult to understand what you should be paying for your energy supply. These example rates are for business electricity tariffs on a 2-year fixed rate from a snapshot of prices on one particular day in September 2024. Prices vary by UK region.

Compare providers today for an accurate price. 

  • Latest Business Energy Unit Price By Size 


Annual Usage Business Size Electricity Unit Price per kWh Gas Unit Price per kWh
Micro Business (Up to 5,000 kWh)  24.7p 8.6p
Small Business (Up to 15,000 kWh)  25.2p 7.6p
Medium Business (Up to 25,000 kWh)  25.2p 7.6p
Large Business (Up to 50,000 kWh) 25.9p 7.6p
Extra Large Business (Up to 100,000 kWh) 25.4p 6.8p

Updated September 2024.

Latest Annual Business Energy Cost By Size 


Annual Usage Business Size Electricity Annual Cost Gas Annual Cost
Micro Business (Up to 5,000 kWh)  £888.41 £346.87
Small Business (Up to 15,000 kWh)  £2,786.31 £933.62
Medium Business (Up to 25,000 kWh)  £5,350.29 £1,683.39
Large Business (Up to 50,000 kWh) £10,204.86 £3,049.84
Extra Large Business (Up to 100,000 kWh) £19,580.10 £5,693.69

Updated September 2024.

Our Business Energy Suppliers

At Love Energy Savings, we work with a wide range of business energy suppliers to offer you exclusive deals with trusted providers.

We’ve built strong relationships with suppliers over a number of years to help our customers find the right tariff quickly and easily. Once you’ve selected your chosen tariff, we’ll handle your switch to get your new tariff set up without the hassle.

Our trusted business energy suppliers offer tariffs for businesses of all sizes. So, whether you’re looking for small business deals or tariffs for high-consumption users, we’ve got you covered.


Large Business Energy Quotes

If you're a large consumption organisation struggling to find a price online, our expert team can build a custom energy quote for your exact needs.

Our experts will take the time to understand your operations, challenges and requirements to help us determine the right services for our large commercial customers.

Large business energy customers will often need specialist meters known as maximum demand meters and half hourly meters.

If you're considered a large business customer by your supplier, you can head to our meter installations page.

Small Business Energy Quotes

Small business owners can switch their energy tariffs completely online, or for those that would like some extra guidance, we’re just a phone call away. 

When it comes to business energy, suppliers may see you slightly differently and your business could fall into two different classifications. The smallest category of business is referred to as a micro business. These are companies with a maximum of 9 employees - business energy contracts for micro businesses offer much more flexibility. Any other larger businesses would be classed as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

When you compare business energy suppliers with us, we source the latest prices from a panel of trusted suppliers with tariffs specifically catered to the needs of UK small businesses.

Business Energy Renewals

It’s important to remember that businesses which fail to renegotiate their energy deal at the end of a contract will likely be left significantly overpaying for the energy they use.

Despite this, many businesses allow their energy deals to simply roll over as there is still a lack of information on their rights at the end of a business energy contract. This results in the energy contract rolling into a deemed tariff which can be more expensive.

The important thing to remember with energy contract renewals is to act quickly.

You should receive this renewal letter a few months before your commercial energy contract is due to expire. This signals the start of your renewal window, which is the ideal time for your business to take action when it comes to switching to a more affordable supplier or tariff.

We know it’s easy to do, but don’t put your business energy renewal on the back burner. With Love Energy Savings, it’s easy to compare the latest prices and switch business energy suppliers. You can view the latest tariffs in just 30 seconds and even complete your entire switch online.

Am I Eligible For Any Discounts?

Charities and nonprofits are eligible for a 5% discount on their energy bills, reduced from the full rate of 20%. You may get a discount for paying via direct debit.

What Is The Energy Price Cap?

The energy price cap is set by the regulator Ofgem. This does not apply to business customers, and it limits the maximum amount charged on domestic unit rates.

Making It Easy To Be Green

We have many green energy tariffs available for businesses that would like to start their journey towards reducing their carbon footprint.

The majority of renewable energy sources produce very little or no global warming emissions. Coming from a variety of sources, energy suppliers typically offer 100% renewable energy tariffs from solar, wind, geothermal and hydro-energy. As we only have a limited amount of traditional energy sources, it is important for everyone to start thinking green.

Our panel of suppliers have a variety of options available at competitive prices, with some even offering 100% renewable as standard.

What Is The Climate Change Levy (CCL)?

The Climate Change Levy is an environmental tax on all businesses that use energy. This levy encourages better energy efficiency. Any UK business can join the Climate Change Agreement Scheme to pay reduced rates.

Climate Change Levy (CCL) Rates:

Taxable commodity Electricity (£ per kilowatt hour (kWh) Gas (£ per kWh)
Rate from 1 April 2022 0.00775 0.00568
Rate from 1 April 2023 0.00775 0.00672
Rate from 1 April 2024 0.00775 0.00775

Source: GOV.UK

Business Energy FAQs

  • What Do I Need To Know Before I Switch?

    Decided it's time to switch? Here are some tips:

    Having the right information to hand when you come to switch business energy providers is essential to receiving an accurate quote. There are some other things you should be considering too. For a seamless switching process, even if you're just reviewing the latest energy rates, consider these steps:

    1. Terminate your contract

    Business energy price comparison online has never been easier. Once you’ve found the right tariff, you’ll need to terminate your contract. Remember that gas and electricity must be switched separately - a top tip is to deal with your commercial energy comparison all at once. Locking your contracts in for the same amount of time will save you time in the future.

    If you do not terminate your contract, many commercial energy providers will place you on expensive out-of-contract rates. Providers are not always the best at sending renewal notices through (unless you're classed as a micro-business).

    2. Locate meter registration numbers

    When you compare business energy quotes, having your Meter Point Reference Number and Meter Point Administration Number (MPRN & MPAN) to hand will ensure you're getting accurate rates based on actual usage.

    These numbers should be displayed on a recent energy bill. If you don't have these to hand, our intelligent comparison engine can often find this out for you.

    3. Your company information

    You'll need some basic company information so our business energy experts can find you a great deal. Switching can be completed completely online at a time that suits you, or our team are just a phone call away should you need any assistance.

    We'll typically need the following information:

    • Business address and postcode
    • When you would like your new energy deal to start
    • Energy meter numbers
    • How much energy do you consume annually

    Most of the information you need will be on your recent bill.

    4. Switch with confidence

    There's no obligation to switch business energy providers with us. We want you to find the right deal for you. If you decide to switch with us, you can sit back and relax whilst we handle the process for you.

    5. Rates change every day

    The energy market can be highly volatile and multiple factors can impact the price you pay for your energy usage. Here are some reasons you could be paying more or less for your commercial energy contract:

    • The size of your business - larger consumption businesses pay more annually for their energy usage but will get discounted unit rates. Businesses with lower consumption will pay higher unit rates.
    • Your energy tariff - there's a wide range of tariffs that have different price models - for example, Economy 7/ 10 (cheaper rates at night), no standing charge tariffs and green energy tariffs will all pay different rates. Each one has its benefits depending on how your company uses gas and electricity.
    • Energy suppliers - whilst generally guided by wholesale market prices, different suppliers will have different pricing models making some more expensive than others.
    • Wholesale market prices - the wholesale market is always changing, and suppliers will use this as a guideline for their pricing models. Significant world events, weather and other factors can impact the wholesale market, and the prices will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Will I Lose Supply If I Switch?

    Switching business gas or electricity suppliers is a simple process, and you will not lose access to gas and electricity. When you switch energy suppliers, you're only changing who manages your supply. All the cables and pipes will remain the same.

  • Can I Switch Business Energy With Multiple Buildings?

    If you run a business with high energy usage or multiple locations, you may choose to install a multi-site meter.

    This allows businesses with multiple premises or high usage to manage their energy with one contract. Your multi-site business energy contract covers the billing for more than one meter, whether at a single premise or multiple locations.

    Some of the benefits of a multi-site meter are:

    • Greater management over multiple sites– Whether your business has 2 or 10 locations, a multi-site meter could help you manage your energy more effectively. This makes matters such as renewals easier to deal with.
    • Better management for single large sites– Instead of having several meters on one site, you could get a multi-meter that will cover your whole premises.
    • Further discounts may be available– You can leverage your buying power and get larger discounts when choosing a multi-site meter.
  • Is Business Energy Different To Domestic?

    There are a few differences between a domestic and business energy contract. First of all, business energy contracts are much stricter, and the exit fees are much higher.

    A business energy supplier will purchase the exact amount of gas and electricity they're expected to need for each business energy contract. As the energy consumption is much higher with businesses, the energy supplier would lose money if businesses cancelled early without paying. 

    It is much easier to switch domestic energy as the consumption is much lower, and contracts tend to be rolling after a fixed-rate deal has ended.

  • Do Business Energy Tariffs Offer A Dual Fuel Option?

    Dual fuel tariffs are for domestic customers only. Businesses must switch their gas and electricity separately. 

    Businesses can have the same supplier for both fuels, but they must be switched separately. You may be able to negotiate a better energy deal with the supplier if you decide to have a contract for both gas & electricity.

  • What Is The Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS)?

    The Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS) was a relief scheme available to some UK businesses but it ceased to operate as of May 2024.

  • Does My Credit Score Affect Business Energy Prices?

    Your business credit score can impact the suppliers available, your tariff type, and unit rates.

    A credit rating scores your business on a scale of 1-100. The higher your credit score is, the better. Businesses with a high rating are judged to be in a stronger financial position.

    Businesses with a score of 40 or more are likely to have access to cheaper energy deals.You credit score will be calculated on a variety of factors including:

    • The size of your company and number of employees.
    • Whether you have failed to keep up with your bills.
    • Your successful and unsuccessful finance applications.
    • The credit history of your company directors.

    A lower credit rating can limit your options when switching business energy suppliers. Some energy suppliers won’t accept businesses with low credit scores. Whilst others may limit the tariff options available to you.

    Energy suppliers who accept businesses with low credit scores may take other steps. This can include:

    • Charging you an additional premium.
    • Requesting a security deposit.
    • Charging you by Direct Debit.
    • Installing a prepayment meter.
  • What Happens When My Business Energy Contract Rolls Over?

    If you don’t renew or renegotiate your energy deal during the renewal period - at the end of your business energy contract - you will be rolled over. Energy suppliers impose these contracts automatically. This means your company will be locked into an expensive renewal tariff for at least a year.

    A minimum of two months before your current contract ends, your energy provider will contact you to let you know that a rollover contract will start if you take no action.

    If you haven’t negotiated your tariff, you will likely be placed on a monthly rolling contract or a deemed rates contract. These rates are often much more expensive than negotiated rates.

    The good news is that you can switch at any time with no exit fees. So, if you find that your energy contract has rolled over, you can compare the latest prices and start your switch today.

  • What’s The Difference Between Long-Term And Short-Term Energy Contracts?

    Short-term energy contracts are like renting - they are much more flexible but prices can change quickly. Long-term contracts are like buying - stable, but you are committed even if prices drop or rise.

    Short-Term Energy Contracts

    • Pro: Flexible
    • Con: Price Volatility

    Long-Term Energy Contracts

    • Pro: Stability
    • Con: Less Flexibility

    Choosing the right energy contract length depends on your business energy needs and risk tolerance, like energy consumption and budget.

  • How Do I Set Up Business Energy in a New Premises

    You may be aware that once you enter a business energy contract you cannot terminate it early. However, moving premises is a rare chance to end your contract early.

    This doesn’t automatically mean you should go ahead and do this. It’s important to assess your options and if you can get a cheaper deal with another business energy supplier.

    You can transfer your business energy contract to your new premises. You should compare business energy prices to see if you can make a saving in your new premises.

    It's important to remember that if you’re moving into larger premises to take increased usage into account.

    When you first walk into your new business premises for the first time with the keys, you should take a meter reading for both gas and electricity.

    Not checking the connections and meters can prove an expensive mistake to make but can easily be overlooked. Here are some things that catch out many relocating companies:

    • Existing Premises - you should check that the building has not been disconnected from the national grid. This can happen if previous tenants got into energy debt. Having this surprise can cost a lot of money and you may need to pay a reconnection fee. Imagine trying to operate your business without gas and electricity until you can reconnect. Not an ideal start to your move, especially if this means you will lose revenue.

    • New Buildings - has the building been connected to the main grid? This is the first thing you should check. There’s usually a large connection fee so it is important to ensure that this isn’t going to be an issue.

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