Energy Suppliers For Charities
Here at Love Energy Savings, our mission is to ensure that no one is overpaying for gas and electricity. We think it is particularly important to ensure that no charity or third-sector association pays too much for its business energy.
Many charities are treated like small businesses in their commercial dealings, and some may be unaware that they are eligible for discounts or special rates on their energy bills.
At Love Energy Savings, we can help your charity find the best energy deals for your organisation and manage the switching process to ensure you pay the right amount for the energy you use.
Reduce Your Charity’s Energy Bills
Many charity organisations are overpaying for the energy they use. It is estimated in the UK that 200,000 not-for-profit organisations are treated like small businesses rather than charities by their energy suppliers, and therefore pay full VAT for their energy when many are eligible to pay 5%.
By comparing business energy suppliers with Love Energy Savings we can show you the cheapest tariffs available.
Some charitable and not-for-profit organisations, particularly churches, village halls and other community spaces, have limited administrative resources and may not realise that they are overpaying for the energy they use.
If it’s been a few years since you renegotiated your energy deal, you may have been moved to a rollover contract which can incur rates 80% higher than a negotiated deal.
With Love Energy Savings, you can quickly compare the latest energy deals from suppliers including the big 6 and smaller independent energy providers.
When you switch with us, we will get in touch with you when your new contract ends to ensure you can remain on the right tariff and never overpay for your gas and electricity.
Why Choose Us For Your Charity’s Energy Switch?
- Over 500,000 Completed Switches
Our team of energy experts have completed over 500,000 business gas and commercial electricity switches so far.
- A Managed Switching Process
We will manage the switch on your behalf, including getting you set up with your new energy supplier.
- Stay Up To Date Online
Our innovative ‘Track My Switch’ tool allows you to stay up to date with the progress of your switch online.
- Rated Excellent On Trustpilot
With over 21,000 reviews so far, we’ve been rated as excellent by our customers on Trustpilot.
Charity Energy Saving Tips
The best way to start is to understand how much you spend on energy and who your energy supplier is.
Smart meters can get detailed information on your hourly or daily use. Otherwise, you can look at a recent bill.
You will most likely be on a single-rate meter if you run a charity between the hours of 8 am and 10 pm, Monday to Friday, as you will be on a standard flat rate for your electricity no matter what time of day it is. This means you will likely have a standard meter and not a smart meter. You can tell if you have a standard meter if the supply number on your bill starts with "03".
Once you understand how much you are currently paying, it is sometimes helpful to set a target for how much you want to save and identify areas where savings can be made.
Every non-profit is unique and may have complex energy needs, so you must understand what you have and what you are currently using to understand where efficiencies can be made.
Small Changes Can Make A Big Impact
If you run retail or catering spaces, most energy is used in lighting, heating and cooling.
Small changes can make a big impact on how much energy you use. For example, switching to energy-efficient lighting like LEDs, ensuring you have energy-efficient appliances and changing protocols.
This can include turning off electronic equipment and lighting at night, turning the heating down an hour before spaces close and ensuring properties are properly insulated.
In offices, electronic equipment like computers, printers and mobile devices use a lot of energy. Again, encouraging staff not to leave electronic devices on overnight and unplugging chargers and equipment when not in use can all make a big difference to your energy bills. These changes can also help to reduce the risk of electric fires.
By documenting the changes, there is an opportunity to demonstrate your green credentials and share with your supporters your commitment to efficiency and combatting climate change.
Charity Sector FAQs
How long does it take to switch non-profit energy suppliers?
Charities should be prepared for their energy switch to take longer than the domestic energy switching process.
Although timescales can vary, an average energy switch will take around 4-6 weeks. This will not affect your supply.
Can I compare energy suppliers for more than one location?
If your non-profit has more than one location, you may be able to consolidate your bills with a multi-site energy deal.
This means your bills can be consolidated into one account, making it easier to keep track of your energy costs and usage across your stores and can also be the cheapest solution.
Our energy experts will be available to provide the advice you need on multi-site contracts to help you find the best deal for your charity.
Can I select a renewable energy supplier?
Yes. Many charities may wish to choose a renewable energy supplier. Love Energy Savings can provide you with details of tariffs available from renewable energy suppliers only if this is your requirement, simply inform us when you contact us.
What do I do if I think I am overpaying VAT for the energy that I use?
Check a recent energy bill. If your non-profit is paying 20% VAT, it is likely that you have been overcharged. Don’t panic as it is possible to claim back money from the past few years, contact your energy supplier or go to the government website where you can access a VAT declaration form which will get you a refund.
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