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Compare Energy Suppliers

We work with some of the top UK energy suppliers helping our customers save on their energy bills. Whether you're looking to switch your home energy, an SME looking to switch business energy; or something more specialist for a large consumption organisation, we have you covered.

Working with a large panel of UK energy suppliers allows us to help our customers find exclusive deals and better service. As prices change daily, it is important to lock-in a deal when you find one that is competitive and the right fit for you.


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How to Switch Energy Suppliers

It is a well-known fact that many businesses are busy and often business energy supplier comparison falls to the bottom of the priority list. If businesses allow their business gas and business electricity contracts to roll onto expensive out-of-contract rates, they end up paying much more than they need to.

With such a significant impact on cashflow and the bottom-line, it is worth comparing business energy suppliers to ensure you’re getting a good deal.

Switching energy suppliers is often seen as time-consuming and sometimes daunting. We've removed these barriers with our comparison service, allowing you to compare domestic energy and business energy prices in just 30 seconds. Searching our trusted panel of energy suppliers, we'll seek great deals so that you can save money against future price increases.


Can I Still Switch to a New Energy Supplier?

Yes. Domestic energy switching is back open. As prices have stablised both home and business energy suppliers are offering very competitive deals and many are not choosing to fix their energy.


See Supplier Prices in 30 Seconds

It has never been easier to switch energy supplier, and with the energy market seeing rising prices - many business owners are getting fixed-rate energy deals to combat any potential increases in the future.

Got an idea of the UK energy supplier you would like to switch to? Go straight ahead and get online quotes with live prices from a range of energy suppliers.

Which Energy Suppliers Can I Switch To?

At Love Energy Savings, we work with a wide range of energy suppliers to provide the best gas and electricity tariffs possible to homes and businesses.

We’ve developed strong relationships with energy providers to offer our customers access to exclusive deals with trusted suppliers. When you switch with Love Energy Savings, we’ll take care of the process of your switch to get your new tariff set up without the hassle.

Got an idea of the supplier you’d like to switch to? Compare energy suppliers and get a quote using the table below.


Who Are the Big Six Energy Suppliers?

The big six energy suppliers are the largest providers in the UK. Over recent years, the makeup of the big six has changed.

At one stage, they supplied gas or electricity to around 95% of energy bill payers in the UK. However, as more independent suppliers have been introduced, that has reduced to approximately 70%.

The biggest energy suppliers have varied over recent years. In 2019, SSE agreed a deal for OVO to acquire its customers. This made OVO Energy one of the largest suppliers in the UK. Npower then completed a deal in 2021 to move its domestic customers E.ON Next.

Here, you can find the current largest suppliers in the UK and start your energy supplier comparison with Love Energy Savings.


Who Are the Independent & Small Energy Suppliers?

Independent and small energy suppliers offer a wide range of choice when it comes to comparing energy tariffs.

Many independent suppliers offer specialist services to customers. For example, Valda Energy offer small business tariffs with flexible payment options throughout your contract. Other suppliers aim to reduce costs with online-only tariffs and billing.

You can find out more about independent energy suppliers and start your quote using the table below.


Energy Supplier Supplier Ratings Business Comparison Domestic Comparison
Valda Energy
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Smartest Energy
star star star star half star
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Yu Energy
star star star star
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Haven Power
star star half star
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SO Energy
star star star star half star
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N/A Get a quote
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Who Are the Renewable Energy Suppliers?

When we compare energy suppliers, many of us would are now looking for renewable energy tariffs. Over recent years, the green choices available to customers has increased rapidly.

Renewable energy tariffs are no longer viewed as an expensive option. Many energy suppliers now offer renewable tariffs as standard, or at similar rates to non-renewable tariffs.

In the table below, you can view a selection of green energy suppliers offering renewable tariffs. If you're ready to start your switch, you can start your quote and find a new deal in less than 30 seconds.


Energy Supplier FAQs

  • When Should You Switch Energy Supplier?

    It is a great idea to regularly compare energy prices to understand the current wholesale market.

    If you're on a fixed-price energy tariff, make note of your contract end date. The energy supplier will roll you onto expensive out-of-contract rates if you do not switch in time. You can start the switching process within the final 49 days of your contract. This avoids all early exit fees.

    Be aware that energy prices rise before colder months. August and September are great times to consider switching your energy supplier.

    When you switch with Love Energy Savings, we will stay in touch with you when your contract is coming to end to ensure you can remain on the best rates we have available.

  • How Long Does it Take to Switch Energy Supplier?

    The Energy Switch Guarantee, introduced by Ofgem, promises any consumer switching energy suppliers would be completely switched within 5 working days. If you would like to delay your switch, you can request this. Consumers have 14 days to cancel the switch from when the energy contract is agreed.

    For business customers, recent changes have aligned the switching time with the domestic market. New faster switching regulations means that businesses will also be switched to their new supplier within 5 working days.

    It’s worth bearing in mind that this is a voluntary guarantee which suppliers have the choice to sign up to. Many of the most well-known energy suppliers have now committed to the guarantee to improve switching times across the energy market.

  • How Often Can I Switch Energy Supplier?

    Households can switch energy suppliers as often as every 28 days. Many fixed-price energy tariffs include an exit fee. So households should be wary of switching too frequently.

    Legislation from Ofgem and the Energy Switch Guarantee has made it simple to switch energy. After selecting your new supplier from the Love Energy Savings comparison engine, you can begin your switch. If you are using the comparison engine, you do not need to inform your old supplier. We will handle your switch and your new supplier will be in touch.

    Before selecting your new supplier, you may want to consider:

    • Value for money
    • Tariff terms and conditions
    • Customer satisfaction scores
  • Who Are the Best Rated Energy Suppliers?

    If you are planning to switch energy suppliers, it’s important to be confident that any issues are resolved quickly by your provider. Whilst energy prices have a large influence on your decision, ensuring that any issues are handled is also important.

    At Love Energy Savings, we’ve made it even easier for you to find the best energy provider with our supplier ratings. Our supplier ratings are based on aggregated reviews, in the last 12 months, from Google-certified review partners. We have also included a Trustpilot rating on all of our energy supplier pages.

  • What to Do if You Have a Complaint About Your Business Energy Supplier?

    Firstly, you should contact your energy supplier and explain your problem and what you want your provider to do about it. Each energy supplier has a complaints procedure that must be followed.

    This procedure may involve submitting information about your issue, via a letter, on their website or over the phone. If you wish to send a letter, Citizens Advice provide complaint templates that you may find helpful.

    Once you have submitted a complaint, your supplier has 8-weeks to inform you what action they will take. Some complaints may require further action. For example, if you are reporting a problem with your meter, your energy supplier may contact you to arrange a time for an engineer to visit.

    If it has been over 8-weeks and you still haven’t resolved your complaint, you may wish to escalate it further. You can do this by contacting the Energy Ombudsman.

    The Energy Ombudsman is approved by Ofgem - the UK gas and electricity regulator - to independently handle disputes between consumers and energy suppliers. In cases where consumers have suffered a financial loss, they may be able to secure you a refund or compensation.

    They are mandated to deal with energy suppliers on your behalf and seek to:

    • Correct ongoing problems that have not been resolved.
    • Seek an apology for poor service or fault
  • How Can I Get a Refund From My Energy Supplier?

    Suppliers work out how much you pay by direct debit by looking over your previous energy expenditure. Usually, these estimates are accurate.

    However, they can be very wrong, particularly if your usage is well below the average. This can result in your direct debit payments being higher (or lower in some instances) than they should be.

    By letting your supplier know of any changes, they can alter your direct debits accordingly, reducing the risk that you will overpay and need to claim an energy refund.

    If you have encountered problems claiming an energy refund from your supplier, then legislation from energy regulators Ofgem could help.

    Ofgem has introduced regulations which force suppliers to refund any money owed to a customer who has made a request. However, there are exceptions - if you’re in arrears then the supplier may withhold the money until the balance is settled.

  • How Can I Avoid Being Overcharged by My Energy Supplier?

    As energy prices remain high, we all want to reduce our bills as much as possible. Making sure you’re being charged the right amount by your supplier is a great place to start.

    The first step is to make sure you’re on the best tariff for your needs. Consider how much energy you use and when you use it. At Love Energy Savings, we’ve made it simple to compare energy suppliers. You can even complete your switch online at any time.

    Once you’re on the right tariff, it’s important to take regular meter readings. If you have a smart meter or another automatic meter reader, this will be done for you. Regular meter readings will help you avoid estimated billing. This can often be higher than your actual usage and could leave you being overcharged by your supplier.

  • What Happens If My Energy Supplier Goes Bust?

    The energy crisis saw many energy suppliers go out of business. Most of these suppliers also had a large customer base. However, you should be reassured that your supply will not be interrupted should your supplier go bust. The process does work slightly differently for homes and businesses.

    Home energy customers are protected by Ofgem should their supplier goes bust. Ofgem will appoint a new supplier to manage your home energy. Any credit you had with your old supplier will be transferred to your new contract.

    Business energy works similarly. A new supplier will be appointed, and you will be placed on a deemed contract. However, any credit you have is not protected in the same way. Ofgem will attempt to appoint a supplier that can refund some or all of your credit owed.

    If you have a large amount of credit with your old supplier, you may need to contact the administrator. You will need to provide evidence for the money such as a recent energy statement from your old supplier.

  • Will My Gas and Electricity Supply Be Interrupted When I Switch Energy Suppliers?

    No matter which energy supplier you choose, you will never be left without gas or electricity.

    We were shocked to find out that lots of people in the UK are scared to compare energy prices and save cash because they thought they would have to be cut off.

    This will never happen as all providers share the same wires and cables. So, if this is what has been holding you back from potentially saving hundreds of pounds, get comparing!

  • Does Opus Energy Still Exist?

    Opus Energy will cease trading from September 2024, and as of July 2024, will no longer be taking on any new customers.

    Business customers from Opus Energy will be transferred to EDF Energy.

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